Thursday, April 28, 2011


CONSTITUTION OF ANGOLA TITLE I FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES Article 1 The Republic of Angola is an independent sovereign nation that has as its primary goal to build a free, democratic, peace, justice and social and economic progress. Article 2 The Republic of Angola is a democratic state of law which is underpinned by national unity, human dignity, pluralism of expression and political organization and the respect and guarantee fundamental rights and freedoms of man, either as individuals or as member of organized social groups. Article 3 1 - The sovereignty resides in the people and is exercised in the manner provided for in this Law 2nd - The Angolan people shall exercise political power through periodic universal suffrage to choose their representatives, through the referendum and other forms of democratic participation, direct or indirect involvement of citizens in the nation. 3 - Specific laws govern the process of general elections and the direct involvement of citizens. Article 4 1 - Political parties, under this Act and the statutes, do run, around a project for society and a political program for the organization and to expressing the will of citizens, participating in political life and expression of universal suffrage by democratic and peaceful means. 2 - The political parties shall, in their objectives, program and practice, contribute to: a) the consolidation of the Angolan nation, national independence and the strengthening of national unity; b) the safeguarding of territorial integrity; c) the defense of national sovereignty and democracy; d) the protection of fundamental freedoms and rights of the individual; e) the defense of the republican form and unitary and secular state. 3 - Political parties are entitled to equal treatment by Dasent who exercise public power, as well as equal treatment by the press, in accordance with the law. 4 - The establishment and functioning of political parties are required under the law, respect the following principles: a) national character and scope; b) Free constitution; c) pursuit of public purposes; d) freedom of affiliation and membership only; e) Exclusive use of peaceful means in pursuing their goals and interdiçãoda creation or use of military organization, paramilitary or militarized; f) organization and functioning democracy; Article 5 The Republic of Angola is a unitary and indivisible State, whose territory, inviolable einalienável, is defined by the current geographical limits of Angola, which fought vigorously any separatist attempt of the dismemberment of its territory. Article 6 The state exercises its sovereignty over the territory, internal waters and territorial sea, as well as the airspace, the corresponding soil and subsoil. Article 7 Will be promoted and intensified economic solidarity, social and cultural development of all regions of Angola, in the sense of common development of the whole Angolan nation. Article 8 1 - The Republic of Angola is a secular state, no separation between state and church. 2 - The religions are respected and the state provides protection to the churches, places of worship eobjectos, provided that they comply with the laws of the State. Article 9 1 - The state guides the development of national economy, to ensure the harmonious and balanced growth of all sectors and regions, a rational and efficient use of all the productive capacity and national resources, as well as enhancing the well- being and quality of life. 2 - The state promotes the use of new technologies to ensure the above paragraph. Article 10 The economic system is based on the coexistence of different types of property, public, private, mixed, cooperative and family, enjoying all of equal protection. The state promotes and regulates the participation in the economic process of all agents and all forms of property, creating conditions for effective operation in the interest of national economic development and meeting the needs of citizens. Article 11 1 - The law shall determine the sectors and activities that constitute the state reserve. 2 - The use and exploitation of public property, the state should ensure its efficiency and profitability, according to the aims and objectives it sets itself. 3 - The State encourages the development of initiative and activity of private, mixed, cooperative and family by creating the conditions for its operation, and support especially small and medium business, under the law. 4 - The State shall protect foreign investment and foreign-owned, under the law. Article 12 1 - All natural resources existing in the soil and subsoil, in internal waters, territorial sea, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, are the property of the state that determines the conditions of their exploitation, use and exploitation. 2 - The State shall promote the protection and conservation of natural resources, guiding the exploration and exploitation for the benefit of the whole community. 3 - The State respects and protects people's property, whether natural or legal persons and property and ownership of land by peasants, without prejudice to the possibility of expropriation for public purposes, under the law. Article 13 Are considered valid and irreversible all legal effects of acts of nationalization and confiscation carried out under the applicable law, without prejudice to specific legislation on privatizations. Article 14 1 - The tax system aims at satisfying the needs of economic, social and administrative state and a just distribution of income and wealth. 2 - Taxes can only be created and dissolved by law, which determines their incidence, rates, tax benefits and guarantees for taxpayers. Article 15 The Republic of Angola respects and applies the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of the Organization of African Unity, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, and establish friendly relations and cooperation with all states, based on the principles of respect mutual sovereignty and territorial integrity, equality, noninterference in internal affairs of each country and reciprocal advantages. Article 16 The Republic of Angola shall support and be in solidarity with the struggle of peoples for national liberation and establish friendly relations and cooperation with all democratic forces in the world. Article 17 The Republic of Angola does not adhere to any international military organization, or permit the installation of foreign military bases on national territory. TITLE II FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND DUTIES Article 18 1 - All citizens are equal before the law and have equal rights and are subject to the same duties, without distinction of color, race, ethnicity, gender, place of birth, religion, ideology, education, economic or social condition . 2 - The law severely punishes all acts that aim to disturb social harmony or creating discrimination or privileges based on these factors. Article 19 1 - The Angolan nationality may be originated or acquired. 2 - The requirements allocation, acquisition, loss and restoration of Angolan nationality shall be determined by law. Article 20 The State respects and protects the person and dignity. Every citizen has the right to free development of his personality, with due respect for the rights of other citizens in the best interests of the Angolan nation. The law protects the life, liberty, personal integrity, good name and reputation of every citizen. Article 21 1 - The fundamental rights expressed in this Act does not preclude others arising out of laws and rules of international law. 2 - The constitutional and legal norms relating to fundamental rights shall be interpreted and incorporated in keeping with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the African Charter on the Rights of Man and Peoples and other international instruments to which Angola is party. 3 - In the assessment of disputes by Angolan courts apply these international instruments even when not invoked by the parties. Article 22 1 - The State respects and protects the life of the human person. 2 - It is prohibited the death penalty. Article 23 No citizen may be subjected to torture or other cruel treatment or punishment, inhuman or degrading treatment. Article 24 1 - All citizens have the right to live in a healthy environment and unpolluted. 2 - The State shall adopt the measures necessary to protect the environment and species of flora and fauna throughout the national territory and maintain ecological balance. 3 - The Law punishes acts that damage or directly or indirectly endanger the preservation of the environment. Article 25 1 - Any citizen can freely move and reside anywhere in the country and can not be prevented from doing so for political reasons or otherwise, except as provided in Article 54 of this Act, and when to protect economic interests of the Nation's Law to determine restrictions on access of citizens and remained in reserve zone and mining production. 2 - All citizens are free to exit and enter the national territory, subject to the limitations of complying with statutory duties. Article 26 1 - The State must provide an identification for citizens and legal entities under the law. 2 - The ID document in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of this law should be electronic and include all other means of identification and control used by the State in an individual database. 3 - The database is the property of the individual citizen, according to the law. 4-To ensure the rights and duties enshrined in this law, data storage and its use should be regulated by law. Article 27 It is guaranteed to any foreign citizen or stateless person the right to seek asylum from persecution for political reasons, according to existing laws and international instruments. Article 28 1 - Not allowed extradition and expulsion of Angolan citizens nationwide. 2 - Not permitted the extradition of foreign citizens for political reasons or facts likely to sentence to death under the law of the requesting State. 3 - The Angolan courts know, under the law, the facts that defendants are citizens whose extradition is not permitted under the preceding paragraphs of this article. Article 29 1 - All citizens over eighteen years, except those legally deprived of political rights and civil rights, have the right and duty to participate actively in public life, voting and being elected to any organ of state, and fulfilling their mandates with entire devotion to the cause of the Angolan nation. 2 - No citizen shall be prejudiced in their employment, their education, their placement, professional career or social benefits to which they are entitled, due to the performance of political office or exercise of political rights. 3 - The law establishes limitations regarding the exemption of the military party in active service, judges and police forces, as well as the regime of passive electoral capacity of the active duty military and police forces. Article 30 1 - The family, the fundamental unit of organization of society, is subject to state protection, is based either in marriage or unmarried. 2 - The man and woman are equal within the family, enjoying the same rights and fitting them the same duties. 3 - The contract of marriage or de facto under the law is required to ensure compliance with the provisions of Articles 18, 20 and 52 of this law. 4 - The contract referred to above can be performed, ensuring compliance with Article 18 of this law among citizens over the age of eighteen. 5 - Multiple contracts of marriage or de facto union entered into by a citizen is permitted within the conditions laid down by law. 6 - The family, with special collaboration of the State should promote and ensure the full protection and education of children and young people. Article 31 1 - Children are given absolute priority and shall therefore enjoy special protection of the family, the state and society with a view to their integral development. 2 - The State shall promote the harmonious development of personality of children and young people and create conditions for their integration and active participation in society. Article 32 The state with the help of family and society, should promote the harmonious development of personality of young people and create conditions for the realization of economic, social and cultural needs of youth, particularly in education, training, culture,access to a first job, work, social security, physical education, sports and use of leisure time. Article 33 1 - They are guaranteed freedom of speech, assembly, demonstration, association, and all other forms of expression. 2 - The law regulates the exercise of rights mentioned in the previous paragraph. 3 - They are banned groups whose purposes or activities are contrary to fundamental principles laid down in Article 4 of the Constitution, criminal laws, and those who continue, even indirectly, the political objectives through organizations of any military, paramilitary or militarized , secret organizations which share the same ideologies and racist, fascist and tribalists. Article 34 1 - The traditional authority is a secular form of administrative organization, which is supported and encouraged by the State under the law. 2 - The organization and administrative division of traditional authority is required by law. 3 - The representation of traditional authority in the Organs of State is required by law. Article 35 1 - The right to professional organization and union is free, the law guaranteeing the forms of its exercise. 2 - All citizens have the right to organize and exercise of trade union activity, which includes the right of establishment and freedom of entry into unions. 3 - The law provides adequate protection to the elected representatives of workers against any form of constraint, constraint or limitation on the exercise of their functions. Article 36 1 - Workers have the right to strike. 2 - The specific law regulates the right to strike and their limitations in essential services and activities in the interest of the pressing needs of society. 3 - It is forbidden to lock out. Article 37 1 - It is guaranteed the freedom of the press, the latter not being subject to any censorship, especially political, ideological and artistic. 2 - The law regulates the exercise of press freedom and adequate measures to prevent and repress their abuse. Article 38 1 - No citizen shall be arrested or brought to trial, except in accordance with the law as guaranteed to all defendants the right to defense and the right to assistance and legal representation. 2 - The state sees to it that justice is not denied for insufficient economic means. 3 - Nobody can be condemned for an act not considered a crime at the time of their practice. 4 - Criminal law may be applied retroactively result of this benefit to the accused. 5 - Defendants enjoy the presumption of innocence until a final judicial decision. Article 39 Preventive detention is only permitted in cases stipulated by law, fixing the limits and deadlines. Article 40 Every citizen subject to preventive detention must be brought before the magistrate responsible for the legalization of jail and be tried within the time prescribed by law or released. Article 41 No citizen shall be arrested without being informed at the time of his arrest, the reasons therefor. Article 42 Every citizen has the right to prison visits by family members and friends and to correspond with them, subject to the conditions and restrictions provided by law. Article 43 Any citizen sentenced shall have the right to appeal in ordinary or extraordinary court decision rendered against him in criminal matters under the law. Article 44 1 - against abuse of power, due to arrest of illegal detention, no habeas corpus to bring before the competent court of law, by himself or by any other citizen 2 - The law regulates the right of habeas corpus. Article 45 Citizens have the right to challenge and to appeal against all acts that violate their rights established in this Constitution and other legislation. Article 46 The State guarantees the inviolability of the home and secrecy of correspondence with the limits specified by law. Article 47 Freedom of conscience and belief is inviolable. The Angolan State recognizes the freedom of worship and ensures the exercise, since they are not incompatible with public order and national interest. Article 48 1 - Work is a right and a duty for all citizens. 2 - Every employee is entitled to fair remuneration, rest, holidays, protection, hygiene and safety at work, under the law. 3 - Citizens have the right to free choice of profession and exercise, unless the requirements established by law. Article 49 1 - The State shall promote measures to ensure citizens' right to health care and sanitation, as well as the right to health in childhood, maternity, invalidity, old age and in any case of incapacity for work. 2 - Private and cooperative initiatives in the fields of health, welfare and social security, shall be exercised as provided by law. 3 - There may be refused emergency medical care to every citizen, according to the law. Article 50 The combatants in the struggle for national liberation that were diminished in their capacity as well as the minor children of citizens who died in war, physical and mental disabilities as a result of war shall enjoy special protection be provided by law. Article 51 1 - The State promotes the access of all citizens to education, culture and sport, ensuring the participation of various private agents in its implementation, in accordance with law. 2 - Private and cooperative initiatives in education is carried out in accordance with the law. Article 52 The state must create the political, judicial, economic, social and cultural tools necessary for citizens to effectively enjoy their rights and comply fully with their obligations. Article 53 The State shall protect Angolan citizens who are or live overseas, who enjoy the rights and be subject to duties not incompatible with their absence from the country, notwithstanding the effects of unjustified absence provided for by law. Article 54 1st - The rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens may only be limited or suspended under the law when endanger public order, the interest of the public, rights, freedoms and individual guarantees, or in case of declaration of a state of siege or emergency, such restrictions must always be limited to necessary and appropriate measures to maintain public order in the interest of the community and the restoration of constitutional normality. 2 - In case the declaration of a state of siege or state of emergency may affect the right to life, the right to personal integration and personal identity, civil capacity, citizenship, non-retroactivity of criminal law, the right to defense of the accused and the freedom of conscience and religion. 3 - specific law governs the state of siege and states of emergency. TITLE III BODIES OF THE STATE CHAPTER I PRINCIPLES Article 55 1 - The bodies of the State, the President, the Senate, National Assembly, the Government, the Opposition, the Courts, the Ombudsman, Defence and Security and Local Government. 2 - The formation, composition, powers and functioning of organs of state are as defined herein. Article 56 The state organs are organized and operate in compliance with the following principles: a) members of representative bodies are elected in accordance with its Election Law; b) State agencies submit to law, to which they owe allegiance; c) separation and interdependence of functions of state organs; d) freedom of directors of legal persons of public law, under the law, by their citizens. e) administrative decentralization and deconcentration of state organs, without prejudice to the unit of government action and administrative Nacional; f) Holders of public office to civil and criminal responsibility for actions and omissions in the performance of their duties under the law; g) Decisions of collegiate organs shall be taken in accordance with the principles of free discussion and criticism and acceptance of the will of the majority. Article 57 The territory of the Republic of Angola, the political and administrative purposes, divided into Provinces, Municipalities, Communes and Neighborhoods or Villages. CHAPTER II THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC SECTION I PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC Article 58 1 - The President is the head of state, symbolizes the national unity, represents the nation domestically and internationally, ensures compliance with the Constitution, is the Head of Government, Defence and Security and Commander-in-Chief ofAngolan Armed Forces. 2 - The president sets the policy direction of the country, ensures the smooth functioning of state bodies and guarantee national independence and territorial integrity. Article 59 1 - The President is elected by the National Assembly. 2 - The President is elected by absolute majority in the National Assembly. If no candidate obtains, it proceeds to a second national ballot, which can only run the two parties who obtained the most votes in the voting for the National Assembly. Article 60 Are eligible for the post of President of the Angolan citizens of origin more than 35 years of age, in full enjoyment of their civil and political rights. Article 61 1 - The President's mandate lasts for four years and ends with the swearing in of newly elected President. The president can be elected to two consecutive terms or interpolated. 2 - In exceptional circumstances the Senate may allow a third term 3 - The office of the President of the Republic ends when it is dissolved the National Assembly. Article 62 1 - Nominations for President of the Republic are presented to the Senate for approval by political parties or coalitions of political parties legally constituted. 2 - Applications are submitted to the Senate, within ninety days before the scheduled date of the election. 3 - In case of permanent incapacity of any candidate for president, may trigger the appointment of a new candidate to replace the incapacitated candidate, under the Act Article 63 1 - The election of President takes place within thirty days before the term of office of President. 2 - In case of vacancy of the office of President of the Republic to elect a new President of the Republic shall take place within ninety days after the date of vacancy. Article 64 1 - The president takes office before the Senate on the last day of office of outgoing President. 2 - In case of vacancy by election, the actual possession was within fifteen days of publication of election results. 3 - The act of holding the President of the Republic the following oath: "I swear on my honor to play with all the dedication the duties of which I am invested, to respect and enforce the Constitution of the Republic of Angola, to defend the unity of Nation, the integrity of the homeland, promote and consolidate peace, democracy and social progress " Article 65 1 - The President may resign from office by message addressed to the National Assembly, knowing the Senate. 2 - The resignation becomes effective when the National Assembly takes note of the message, without prejudice to its subsequent publication in the Official Gazette. Article 66 1 - In case of temporary incapacity or vacancy, the President of the Republic is exercised temporarily by the Vice-President or, the latter being prevented by the President of the National Assembly. 2 - The office of member of National Assembly Speaker or his deputy shall be automatically suspended for the duration of the duties of interim president. Article 67 1 - The President is not responsible for acts done in performance of their duties, except in cases of bribery or treason. 2 - The initiative of the prosecution process rests with the National Assembly and the Senate by proposing a fifth and a resolution passed by two-thirds majority of Members in office, both houses, falling to their Supreme Court trial. 3 - The conviction shall result in forfeiture of office and disqualification of candidacy for another term of any organ of state. 4 - The President shall be accountable to the ordinary courts after the end of his term for the crimes in the exercise of their functions. Article 68 The President has the following powers: a) appoint the Vice-President after approval by the Senate; b) appoint and dismiss the other members of the Government and the Governor of National Bank of Angola; c) terminate the office of Vice President and dismiss the Government, after approval of the National Assembly and Senate; d) Leading the Government and Council of Ministers; e) order the dissolution of parliament after approval of a motion of censure on the Government or non-approval of a vote of confidence in the Government; f) chair the Council of the Senate; g) appoint and dismiss ambassadors and accept the credentials of foreign diplomatic representatives; h) appoint Supreme Court judges hearing the High Council of the Judiciary when approved by the Senate; i) appoint and dismiss the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General, upon proposal of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Public Ministry; j) appoint members of the Supreme Judicial Council in accordance with laid down in Article 166 of the Constitution; k) call elections for President of the Republic, Members of the National Assembly and the Senate under this Act and the Electoral Law; l) chair of the National Council for Defence and Security and the National Information and Security; m) appoint and dismiss the Chief of General Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces, their deputies, if any, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the different branches of the military generals and officials, hearing the National Defense Council after approval by Senate; n) to appoint the Commander and General Officers of Police, after hearing the National Defense Council, after approval by the Senate; a) call referendums, in accordance with laid down in Article 75 of this Act; p) declare war and make peace, after consultation with the Government approval of the Senate; q) grant pardons and commute sentences; r) declare a state of siege or state of emergency, under the Act; s) sign and promulgate laws approved by parliament and the decree laws approved by the Government; t) direct messages to the National Assembly and convene it exceedingly; u) rule on all serious emergencies in the life of the nation and, where appropriate, adopt the measures envisaged in the next article of this Law; v) to confer decorations, according to law; x) to ratify international treaties, once duly approved and signed the instruments of approval of other treaties in simplified form; y) request the Constitutional Court or a prior review of the declaration of unconstitutionality of provisions of law, and the finding of unconstitutionality by omission. Article 69 1 - The President of the Republic after consultation with the Vice President and President of the National Assembly, will take appropriate measures where the institutions of the Republic, the nation's independence, territorial integrity or performance of its international commitments are threatened by serious andimmediate and regular operation of the constitutional political powers are interrupted. 2 - The President shall inform the nation of all factors in a message. 3 - As long as the exercise of special powers, the Constitution can not be altered and the National Assembly can not be dissolved. Article 70 1 - The Presidency of the Council of Ministers, responsible to the President: a) convene the Council of Ministers and set its agenda, heard Vice-President; b) Direct and guide meetings and sessions of the Council of Ministers; 2 - The President of the Republic may expressly delegate to the Vice-President of the Presidency Council of Ministers. Article 71 1 - The President of the Republic shall promulgate the laws between the twentieth and thirtieth days of receipt of the same National Assembly. 2 - Before the expiry of this period the President may ask the National Assembly for further consideration of diploma or some of its provisions. 3 - If after this review, the majority of two thirds of the Deputies of the National Assembly to rule for the adoption of the act, the President of the Republic shall promulgate the statute within fifteen days of receipt. Article 72 The President signs the decree of the Government, within thirty days of receipt thereof, shall be communicated to the Government the reasons for refusal of the signature. Article 73 The laws referred to in subparagraph s) of Article 68 is not promulgated by the President and the Government decrees not signed by the President, are legally non-existent. Article 74 The president can not dissolve the interim National Assembly, or organizing referendums. Article 75 1 - The President may, upon proposal of the Government or the National Assembly after approval by the Senate, put to referendum draft laws or the ratification of international treaties which, without being contrary to the Constitution, would have an impact on the organization of government and the functioning of institutions. 2 - It is prohibited the holding of constitutional referendums, unless approved by the Senate. 3 - The President of the Republic promulgates the draft law or ratified international treaties adopted in a referendum within fifteen days. Article 76 In exercising its powers, the President sends decretospresidências and orders which are published in the Official Gazette. CHAPTER III SENATE SECTION I SENATE Article 77 1 - The Senate is the upper house of all Angolans and express the will of the Angolan people. 2 - The Senate is governed by the provisions of this Law and Internal Rules approved by it. Article 78 1 - The Senate is composed of fifty-four senators plan with a term of six years and the Council of Senators. 2 - The Council shall preside over the Senate and Senators shall be governed by the provisions of this law. 3 - The ordinary chair of the Senate is delegated to the President of the Senate. 4 - The Senate is composed of: a) each province is represented in the Senate by a number of two Senators representing each province for that purpose a single member constituency voting transferable; b) the remaining eighteen Senators are appointed at the provincial level by the Traditional Authority. Article 79 Applications are submitted by Senator for Political Parties, individually or in coalition, and the lists may include citizens who are not members in their respective parties, or for a minimum of five thousand voters under the Electoral Act. Article 80 The terms of Senators begins with the first session of the Senate after the elections and ends with the first session after the subsequent elections, subject to suspension or termination of the individual mandate. Article 81 1 - The office of Senator is incompatible with the role of deputy and member of the Government; 2 - They are ineligible for the office of Senator: a) Judges and public prosecutors; b) the military and members of fighting forces in active service. 3 - Citizens who have acquired Angolan nationality may apply for seven years after the acquisition of nationality. Article 82 The Senate has the right under the Constitution and Internal Rules of the Senate to question the National Assembly or any of its members, as well as to obtain all government bodies and enterprises the cooperation needed to carry out their duties. Article 83 1 - No Senator may be detained or arrested without the consent of the Senate or the Standing Committee, except in flagrante delicto for a felony punishable by imprisonment. 2 - The Senators can not be held responsible for issuing opinions on the performance of their duties. Article 84 The Senators lost the mandate where there are some of the following causes: a) are covered by some of the disabilities or incompatibilities provided for by law; b) not to take their seat in the Senate or exceeds the number of faults expressed in the Rules of Procedure; c) join in a party other than that listed were elected. Article 85 Senators may resign by written declaration signed acknowledged and delivered personally to the President of the Senate. Article 86 1 - A temporary replacement for a Senator is allowed under the following circumstances: a) by holding public office incompatible with office of Senator under this Act; b) by disease duration of more than forty-five days. 2 - In case of replacement of a senator, the vacancy is filled in the order of precedence for the next candidate on the list who owned the vacant office holder and is not prevented from taking office. 3 - If the list to which the holder of the office vacant, there are no non-elected candidates do not proceed to fill the vacancy. Rule 87 Senate to: a) authorize the National Assembly to amend and approve the Constitution of the Republic of Angola; b) consider and authorize the nominations for president, within sixty days after its receipt; c) consider and authorize the candidacy for Vice-President; d) consider and authorize the resignation of the President; e) consider and authorize the appointment by the President of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Vice-President of the Supreme Court and other judges of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court; f) consider and authorize the appointment by the President's Chief of General Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces and their deputies, if any, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the various branches of the Armed Forces, the Commander of Police and the NationalInformation and Security; g) consider and authorize the appointment by the President of the generals official Angolan Armed Forces; h) to elect the judges elected to the judiciary in accordance with law; i) authorizing the President to submit to referendum draft laws or the ratification of international treaties which, without being contrary to the Constitution, would have an impact on the organization and functioning of public institutions; j) authorizing the President to submit to a referendum on the constitutional review; k) authorize the National Assembly to establish and change the political-administrative division of the country; l) authorize the President to declare war and make peace; m) authorize the National Assembly to approve international treaties that deal with matters of its absolute legislative powers, as well as treaties of peace, Angola's participation in international organizations, the rectification of borders, friendship, defense, concerning military matters and any other than the Government to refer; n) authorize the National Assembly to promote the process of accusation against the President for the crime of bribery and treason; o) authorizing motions of censure on the Government and the resignation of Vice President and President of the Government of the Republic; p) authorize the National Assembly to legislate on the definition of the limits of territorial waters, exclusive economic zone, and the rights of Angola to the adjacent seabed; q) Prepare and approve the Internal Rules of the Senate; r) elect the President and other members of the Standing Committee by a majority of Senators in office; s) constitute the Working Committees of the Senate, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Senate; t) perform such other functions as are entrusted by the Constitution and the law.
Article 88 1 - A third of senators in office may request consideration and plenary vote on any law, motion and resolution passed by the National Assembly, except those in the previous article of this law within 10 days subsequent to its approval. 2 - When the Senate approved the legislation goes to the President of the Republic for approval and promulgation. 3 - If the diploma is not approved by the Senate, and review by the National Assembly is approved by two-thirds majority, the President of the Republic shall promulgate the statute within fifteen days of receipt. Article 89 1 - The Legislature consists of six legislative sessions under this Act and the Electoral Law. 2 - Each legislative session lasts for one year and begins on October 15. 3 - The normal functioning of the Senate is eight months and starts on October 15, without prejudice to intervals provided for in the Rules of the Senate and the suspensions that are resolved by a majority of two thirds of the Senators present. 4 - The Senate normally meets on convocation of its President. 5 - The Senate may hold extraordinary meetings whenever necessary by resolution of the Plenary, on the initiative of the Permanent Council or the Senate. 6 - The Senate may hold extraordinary meetings outside their normal operating period, by decision of the Plenary Council at the initiative of Senators or convened by the President. Article 90 1 - The Senate operates on a qualified majority of 67% of the Senators in office. 2 - The deliberations of the Senate shall be taken by qualified majority of 67% of the Senators present, unless this Law establishes other rules of deliberation. 3 - If not met the qualified majority decisions are voted on in the County of the Senate. Article 91 1 - The agenda of the plenary meetings of the Senate is set by its President, without prejudice to the right of appeal to the full Senate. 2 - The Internal Rules of the Senate will set the priority of the matters on the agenda of the day. 3 - Messages from the President and Council of the Senate Senate have absolute priority over all other issues. 4 - The Government and the bodies of Justice may request priority for matters of national interest that require urgent resolution. Article 92 1 - The President and President of the National Assembly must appear before the plenary of the Senate in the second regularly scheduled meetings defined in the Rules of the Senate to answer questions and requests for clarification of the Senators, made orally or in writing. 2 - The President and President of the National Assembly must attend the plenary session of the Senate, where they are in assessing motions of censure or resignation of Vice President or the Government by the President of the Republic. 3 - The Working Committees of the Senate may request the participation of members of the Government or the National Assembly in its work. Article 93 1 - The Senate is working committees, under the Rules and may create any committees for a specific purpose. 2 - The composition of committees is defined in the Internal Rules of the Senate. 3 - The Committee appreciates the petitions to the Senate and may request the testimony of any citizen. Article 94 1 - The Senate may establish committees of inquiry for a purpose. 2 - The committee is defined in the Internal Rules of the Senate. 3 - The committee of the Senate have the same powers of investigation as judicial authorities. Article 95 1 - The Senate is replaced outside the actual operating time, and in other cases provided for in the Constitution, by a Standing Committee. 2 - The Standing Committee is composed as follows: a) the President of the Senate, who presides over it, two Vice-Presidents and six senators voted by an absolute majority. 3 - It is the Standing Committee: a) monitor the political activity of the country; b) convene an extraordinary Senate; c) exercise the powers of the Senate regarding the terms of Senators; d) e) Exceptionally authorize the President to declare war and make peace, when the Senate is not in the normal operation and is, in the face of emergency, the convocation of extraordinary impracticable; f) prepare the opening of the legislative session of the Senate. 
Article 96 1 - The Council of the Senate is the Chair of the Senate and the political body that advises the President of the Republic, which is responsible for: a) rule on the dissolution of the National Assembly; b) comment on the dismissal of the government; c) rule on the declaration of war and peacemaking; d) advise the President in carrying out their functions, as the request; e) the deliberations of the Senate vote when the Senate vote is less than a majority of 67% f) approve the Council of Senators. 2 - In exercising its powers the Council of the Senate issue opinions that are made public when the act to which they relate. Article 97 The Council is chaired by Senate President and is composed of the following members: a) the former Presidents of the Republic; b) King Soba or great representative of all the administrative regions of Traditional Power; c) the President of the Senate; d) the Chairman of the Opposition; e) ten citizens appointed by the President. Article 98 1 - The Board members are sworn in by Senate President. 2 - The members of the Senate shall enjoy the privileges and immunities of Senators. 
Article 99 1 - The National Assembly is the representative assembly of all Angolans and express the sovereign will of the Angolan people. 2 - The National Assembly shall be governed by the provisions of this Law and Internal Rules approved by it. Article 100 1 - The National Assembly is composed of two hundred twenty-three Deputies elected by universal, equal, direct, secret and periodic suffrage for a term of four years. 2 - Members of the National Assembly are elected under proportional representation system, taking up the following criteria: a) Two hundred and twenty Deputies are elected at national level considering the country for this purpose a single constituency; b) For Angolan communities abroad consists of a constituency represented by a number of three gentlemen, two corresponding to a zone Africa and the rest of the world. Article 101 1 - Applications are submitted by the Political Parties, individually or in coalition, and the lists may include citizens who are not members of the nominating parties under the Electoral Act. 2 - Applications must include the candidates for President and Vice-President of the Republic. Article 102 The term of office of Deputies starts with the first session of the National Assembly after the elections and ends with the first session after the subsequent elections, subject to suspension or termination of the individual mandate. Article 103 1 - The mandate of Mr incompatible: a) with the role of senator and member of the Government; b) with paid employment by foreign companies or international organizations; c) to exercise the office of President and member of the Board of Directors of limited companies, Managing Partner of private companies, Director General and Deputy Director General of public companies. 2 - They are ineligible for the office of Member: a) Judges and public prosecutors; b) the military and members of fighting forces in active service. 3 - Citizens who have acquired Angolan nationality may apply for seven years after the acquisition of nationality. Article 104 Members of the National Assembly have the right under the Constitution, the Bylaws of the National Assembly, to question the Government or any of its members, as well as to obtain all government bodies and enterprises the cooperation necessary for the fulfillment of their tasks. Article 105 1 - No deputy of the National Assembly shall be arrested or detained without the Senate, except in flagrante delicto for a felony punishable by imprisonment. 2 - Members may not be held responsible for issuing opinions on the performance of their duties. Article 106 MPs lose their mandate where there are some of the following causes: a) are covered by some of the disabilities or incompatibilities provided for by law; b) do not take their seat in the National Assembly or exceeding the number of faults expressed in the Rules of Procedure; c) join in a party other than that listed were elected. Article 107 Members may resign by written declaration signed acknowledged and delivered personally to the President of the National Assembly. Article 108 1 - The temporary replacement of a Member is permitted under the following circumstances: a) by holding public office incompatible with office of Member under this Act; b) by disease duration of more than forty-five days. 2 - In case of temporary replacement of a Member, the vacancy is filled in the order of precedence for the next candidate on the list who owned the vacant office holder and is not prevented from taking office. 3 - In case of vacancy by elected MP for the coalition, the mandate is given to the following candidate proposed by the unelected political party they belonged to Mr replaced. 4 - If the list to which the holder of the office vacant, as there are no non-elected candidates do not proceed to fill the vacancy. Article 109 Incumbent upon the National Assembly: a) elect the President of the Republic under the law; b) approve and amend the Constitution of the Republic of Angola, if approved by the Senate; c) pass laws on all matters except those reserved by the Constitutional Law on the Government; d) giving the Government power to legislate; e) approve the proposal of the Government, the National Plan and State Budget; f) approve a proposal from the Government, the performance reports of the National Plan and the General State Budget; g) authorize the government to contract and grant loans and perform other loans that are not floating debt, setting their conditions and determine the ceiling for guarantees to be granted each year by the Government; h) establish and alter the political-administrative division of the country, if approved by the Senate; i) grant amnesties and general pardons; j) authorizing the President to declare a state of siege and states of emergency, setting the extension, suspension of constitutional guarantees and monitor its implementation; k) authorize the President to declare war and make peace, if approved by the Senate; l) Approve international treaties that deal with matters of its absolute legislative powers, as well as treaties of peace, Angola's participation in international organizations, the rectification of borders, friendship, defense, concerning military matters and any others that the Government will submit, if approved by the Senate; m) enact laws; n) promote the process of accusation against the President for the crime of bribery and treason; o) vote on motions of confidence and censure the Government and authorize the President of the Republic to dismiss the Vice President and the Government; p) prepare and approve the bylaws of the National Assembly; q) elect the President and Vice-Presidents of the National Assembly and the other members of the Standing Committee by a majority of Members in office; r) constitute the Working Committees of the National Assembly, according to the representation of parties in the Assembly; s) perform such other functions as are entrusted by the Constitution and the law. Article 110 In the National Assembly must enact laws with absolute reservation of legislative competence on the following subjects: a) acquisition, loss and reacquisition of citizenship; b) the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens; c) election and status of the members of State bodies, local government and other constitutional organs; d)) organization and functioning of organs of local and traditional authority; e) the referendum system; f) organization, operation and procedures of the Constitutional Court; g) organization of national defense and security and the general organization, functioning and discipline of the Angolan Armed Forces; h) regimes of the state of siege and state of emergency; i) Political parties and associations; j) Judicial organization and status of judges and prosecutors; k) money system and standard of weights and measures; l) defining the limits of territorial waters, exclusive economic zone, and the rights of Angola to the adjacent seabed if approved by the Senate; m) defining the sectors of the State reserve in the field of economy as well as the bases for granting exploitation of natural resources and the disposal of state assets; n) the composition and appointment of the Council of the Opposition. Article 111 In the National Assembly must enact laws, subject to legislative powers on the following matters, unless granted permission to the Government: a) status and capacity of persons; b) the general organization of public administration; c) the status of officials and civil liability of public administration; d) general system of requisition and expropriation for public purposes; e) ways and means of intervention and nationalization of means of production and the establishment of criteria for setting compensation, as well as privatization of ownership or the right of exploitation of state property, under the legislation referred to in subparagraph base m) the preceding article; f) definition of the tax system and raising taxes; g) bases of the education system, the national health service and social security; h) foundations of the system of nature protection, ecological balance and cultural heritage; i) general system of rural and urban leasing; j) ownership of land and establishment of criteria for fixing the ceilings of private farm units; k) Participation of traditional authorities and citizens in the exercise of local power; l) status of public enterprises; m) and definition of property regime in the public domain; n) definition of crimes, punishments and security measures, as well as criminal prosecution. Article 112 1 - The National Assembly, the law of legislative authorization, define the scope, direction, extent and duration of the authorization. 2 - The authorizations referred to in the preceding paragraph shall lapse upon the resignation of the Government to which they were granted, with the term of the legislature or the dissolution of parliament. Article 113 1 - The National Assembly issues in exercise of its powers of constitutional review laws, the Constitution of the Republic of Angola, organic laws, laws, motions and resolutions; 2 - take the form of constitutional law and Constitution of the Republic of Angola, the acts mentioned in b) of Article 109; 3 - take the form of organic laws of the acts provided for in paragraphs c), d), e), f), g), h) j) of article 110; 4 - take the form of law other acts provided for in Articles 110 and 111, as well as those provided in e), g), h) i) of Article 109; 5 - take the form of motion the acts referred to in subparagraph a) of Article 109; 6 - take the form of resolution other acts of National Assembly in particular in subparagraphs d), f), j), k), l), m), o), p), q) and r) of Article and 109 of the acts of the Standing Committee. Article 114 1 - The legislative initiative belongs to the Deputies, parliamentary groups and the government. 2 - Members and parliamentary groups may not submit bills involving the current financial year, expenditure increase or decrease state revenues in the budget set. 3 - Bills definitively rejected shall not be assessed in the same legislative session, unless the new National Assembly election. 4 - The draft law submitted by the Government shall expire upon his resignation. Article 115 1 - The National Assembly considers the ordinances adopted by the Council of Ministers for amendment or rejection of ratification, unless such exclusive jurisdiction of the Government, at the request of ten Members in the first ten plenary meetings of the National Assembly following the publication. 2 - Required assessment and if they are submitted amendments to Assembly may suspend, in whole or in part, the validity of the ordinance until the publication of the law which comes to change or to reject all those proposals. 3 - If ratification is refused the ordinance will expire from the day the resolution is published in the Gazette and can not be re-published during the same legislative session. 4 - are considered ratified the ordinance that are not called for consideration in the National Assembly within the time limits and terms established by this article. Article 116 1 - The National Assembly is dissolved by the President of the Republic following the adoption of a motion of censure on the Government or non-approval of a vote of confidence in the Government. 2 - The National Assembly can not be dissolved within six months after its election, the last six months the mandate of the President in office of President or acting for the duration of the state of siege or state of emergency. 3 - Failure to observe the preceding paragraph shall have no legal decree of dissolution. 4 - dissolved the National Assembly remains the mandate and functioning of Representatives Standing Committee until the first meeting of the Assembly after the subsequent elections. Article 117 1 - The Legislature consists of four legislative sessions. 2 - The start and duration of each legislative session are established by law. 3 - The National Assembly normally meets on convocation of its President. 4 - The National Assembly may hold extraordinary meetings whenever necessary by resolution of the Plenary, on the initiative of the Standing Committee or more than half of Representatives. 5 - The National Assembly may hold extraordinary meetings outside their normal operating period, by decision of the Plenary, on the initiative of the Standing Committee or more than half of Representatives or convened by the President. Article 118 1 - The National Assembly operates on a simple majority of Members in office. 2 - The deliberations of the National Assembly are taken by simple majority of Members present, unless this Law establishes other rules of deliberation. Article 119 1 - The agenda of the plenary meetings of the National Assembly shall by its President, without prejudice to the right of appeal to the Plenary Assembly. 2 - The Internal Rules of the National Assembly shall determine the priority of the matters on the agenda of the day. 3 - Messages from the President of the Republic National Assembly has absolute priority over all other issues. 4 - The Government may request priority for matters of national interest that require urgent resolution. Article 120 1 - Ministers and Secretaries of State are entitled to attend plenary meetings of the National Assembly and may be assisted or replaced by Vice-Ministers and the floor under the Rules of the National Assembly. 2 - The Vice-Chairman and members of the Government shall appear before the plenary of the Assembly in the second regularly scheduled meetings defined in the Rules of the National Assembly to answer questions and requests for clarification of Representatives, made orally or in writing. 3 - Vice-President and Government members should attend the Plenary meeting of the National Assembly, where they are in assessing motions of no confidence or trust the government and the approval of the National Plan, the State Budget execution and reporting. 4 - The Working Committees of the National Assembly may request the participation of members of the Government in its work. Article 121 1 - The National Assembly is working committees, under the Rules and may create any committees for a specific purpose; 2 - The composition of the committees reflect the representation of parties in the National Assembly, and his presidency divided the parliamentary parties in proportion to the number of its Deputies. 3 - The Committee appreciates the petitions to the National Assembly and may request the testimony of any citizen. Article 122 1 - Members of the National Assembly may form parliamentary commissions of inquiry for consideration of the acts of government and administration. 2 - The committee is required by any Member and necessarily consist of one fifth of deputies in office, up to one per Member per legislative session. 3 - The parliamentary committees of inquiry have the powers of investigation by judicial authorities. Article 123 1 - The National Assembly shall read out the actual operating time during the period in which it is dissolved and in other cases provided for in the Constitution by a Standing Committee. 2 - The Standing Committee is composed as follows: a) the President of the National Assembly, who presides over it, appointed by the political party or coalition of parties that wins a majority in the elections; b) two Vice-Presidents nominated by political party or coalition of parties in proportion to the number of seats obtained by you in the National Assembly; c) twelve Deputies appointed by the political party or coalition of parties in proportion to the number of seats obtained by you in the National Assembly. 3 - It is the Standing Committee: a) monitor the activities of the Government and Administration; b) convene an extraordinary National Assembly; c) exercise the powers of the Assembly regarding the mandate of Representatives; d) authorize the President to declare a state of siege or state of emergency; e) Exceptionally authorize the President to declare war and make peace, when the National Assembly is not in the normal operation and is, in the face of emergency, the convocation of extraordinary impracticable; f) prepare the opening of the legislative session. Article 124 1 - Members elected by each party or coalition of parties may form parliamentary groups. 2 - Without prejudice to the rights of Members under this Act, the parliamentary groups may be entitled to: a) participate in the working committees of the Assembly in proportion to the number of its members, indicating their representatives; b) be heard in setting the agenda; c) cause, through questioning the Government, the opening of two debates in each legislative session on matters of general or sectorial policy; d) request the Standing Committee to promote the convening of the Assembly; e) exercise legislative initiative; f) submit a motion of censure on the Government; g) be informed by the government, regularly and directly about the progress of the major issues of public interest; h) request the formation of parliamentary committees of inquiry. 3 - The powers provided for in paragraphs b), f), g) h) shall be exercised by the President of the Parliamentary Group. 4 - Each parliamentary group is entitled to a place of work at the headquarters of the National Assembly, as well as technical personnel administration of their trust under the law. Article 125 The National Assembly and its committees will be complemented by a permanent body of technicians, administrative staff and specialists requisitioned or temporarily contracted, in the terms established by law.
Article 126 1 - The government conducts the general policy of the country and is the highest organ of government. 2 - The Government is politically responsible to the President of the Republic and the National Assembly under the terms established by this Act Article 127 1 - The composition of Government shall be fixed by decree. 2 - The number and appointment of Ministers, Secretaries of State and Deputy Ministers shall be determined by the decrees appointing the holders. 3 - The responsibilities of the Ministries and Secretaries of State are determined by ordinance. Article 128 1 - The positions of Vice-President, Minister, Secretary of State and Deputy Minister shall be incompatible with the office of Member. 2 - apply for the positions of the preceding article incompatibilities provided for in paragraphs b) and c) of Article 103. Article 129 1 - The Council of Ministers is chaired by the President and consisting of the Vice-President, Ministers and Secretaries of State. 2-0 Council of Ministers shall meet at intervals defined by law. 3 - Deputy Ministers may be invited to attend meetings of the Council of Ministers. 4 - The Council of Ministers may establish committees to prepare specific issues to be considered by the Cabinet. Article 130 1 - The duties of the Vice President to begin with his inauguration and cease with the swearing in of Vice-President to replace him. 2 - The functions of the remaining members of the government to begin with his inauguration and cease with his resignation or dismissal from the President. 3 - In case of dismissal of the government unless the resignation is made in accordance with paragraph c) of Article 68, the outgoing President of the Republic is discharged on the date of the appointment and swearing in of new President. Article 131 In the exercise of political functions incumbent on the Government: a) endorse the acts of the President in the manner provided in Article 72; b) define the broad outlines of government policy, as well as its implementation; c) negotiate and conclude international treaties and approve treaties that are not the absolute competence of the National Assembly and that this has not been submitted; d) introduce draft laws to the National Assembly; e) decide on the application of confidence to the National Assembly; f) rule on the declaration of a state of siege or state of emergency; g) Propose to the President's declaration of war or making peace; h) perform other acts which are committed by the Constitution or by law. Article 132 1 - In exercise of legislative duties incumbent on the Government: a) establish by decree-law the composition, organization and functioning of government; b) prepare and approve the ordinance on the reservation on the legislative National Assembly, in accordance with its legislative authorization. 2 - In matters concerning his own composition, organization and the government has absolute legislative power. 3 - The decrees provided for in paragraph b) shall expressly refer to the statute authorizing legislation. Article 133 In the exercise of administrative functions incumbent on the Government: a) and laboring to enforce a plan for economic and social development; b) prepare, approve and direct the implementation of the State Budget; c) approve the actions of Government that involve an increase or decrease in revenue and expenditure; d) make regulations necessary for the proper implementation of laws; e) direct the services and activities of State administration, superintend indirect administration, exercise supervision over the local municipal administration and on other municipal public institutions; f) acts and take all steps necessary to promote the economic and social development and to meet community needs. Article 134 The Government, meeting within the Council of Ministers exercises its powers through ordinances, decrees and resolutions on general policies, and sectoral measures the scope of government activity. Article 135 1 - It is usually the Vice President direct, conduct and coordinate the overall government. 2 - The Vice-President, namely: a) coordinate and guide the activities of all Ministers and Secretaries of State; b) represent the Government before the National Assembly; c) direct the operations of the Government and its general relations with other organs of state; d) replace the President in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 70; e) sign the decrees of the Council of Ministers and send them to the enactment of the President; f) sign the decrees of the Council of Ministers and send them back to the signature of the President; g) sign resolutions of the Council of Ministers; h) perform such other functions as are entrusted by the Constitution and the law. 3 - In exercise of his powers to Vice President, Ministers and Secretaries of State shall issue decrees and executive order to be published in the Official Gazette. Article 136 1 - The Government will draw up its program in which it shall state its principal political, economic, social and measures taken or proposed in the various areas of government activity. 2 - Government members are bound by the Government program and the decisions taken by the Cabinet. Article 137 1 - The Government begins his duties immediately after the inauguration. 2 - The Government may be subject to censure motions voted on by the National Assembly after approval by the Senate on the implementation of its program or fundamental issues of government policy, on the initiative presented by any political group or one quarter of the Members of functions. 3 - Approval of a motion of censure on the Government requires an absolute majority of Members in office. 4 - If the motion of censure is not passed, its signatories shall not table another during the same legislative session. 5 - The Government may ask the National Assembly for a vote of confidence, which must be approved by majority vote of the Members of functions. Article 138 1 - The Vice President is politically accountable to the President, who reports directly and regularly on matters relating to the conduct of politics. 2 - The Vice-President representing the Government before the National Assembly and engages the political responsibility of the Government before the National Assembly. Article 139 Gives rise to the resignation of the government: a) the term of the legislature; b) the election of a new president; c) the resignation of the President; d) the resignation of the Government in accordance with paragraph c) of Article 68 of this Law; e) the death or permanent incapacitation of the President; f) the approval of a motion of censure on the Government; g) not to take a vote of confidence in the Government. Article 140 The Vice-President, Ministers, Secretaries of State and Deputy Ministers may be arrested only after the charge, when the offense is punishable by imprisonment and following suspension from duties of the President. 
Article 141 1 - The Council of Opposition leads the general policy of the Opposition in the country and is the supervisory body of the Government without discretion. 2 - The Opposition is politically responsible to the President of the Council of the Opposition and the National Assembly under the terms established by this Act Article 142 1 - The composition and appointment of Directors of the Opposition shall be fixed by decree of the Government of the Republic on proposal of the Chairman of the Opposition. 2 - The duties of the Directors of the Opposition are determined by the bylaws of the Council of the Opposition. Article 143 1 - The offices of President and Directors of the Opposition is incompatible with the office of Member. 2 - apply for the positions of the preceding article incompatibilities provided for in paragraphs b) and c) of Article 103. Article 144 1 - The Council of the Opposition is chaired by the Chairman of the Opposition. 2 - The Council of Opposition gathers at the intervals stated in the bylaws of the Council of the Opposition. 3 - The Council of the Opposition may create special committees for the preparation of specific subjects to be considered in the Council. Article 145 1 - The Chairman of the Opposition is elected by absolute majority of Members of the Opposition in the National Assembly. Article 146 1 - The functions of the Council of Opposition begin with his inauguration and cease to call for general elections to the National Assembly. Article 147 In the exercise of political functions for the Council of the Opposition: a) define the general lines of policy of the Opposition, as well as its implementation; b) submit bills to the alternative draft laws submitted to Congress by the National Government; c) monitoring the actions of the Government; d) monitoring the implementation of the plan for economic and social development; e) To supervise the implementation of the State Budget; f) monitoring the actions of Government that involve an increase or decrease in revenue and expenditure; g) acts and take all steps necessary to promote the economic and social development and to meet community needs, and fighting corruption; h) perform other acts which are committed by the Constitution or by law. Article 148 The Council of Opposition in Council, shall exercise its powers of oversight through the motions on general policies, and sectoral measures the scope of government activity presented in the National Assembly's own sessions as provided by law. Article 149 1 - It is generally the Chairman of the Opposition, conduct and coordinate the overall action of the Opposition. 2 - In exercise of his powers the President and the Trustees of the Opposition provide advice that will be discussed in plenary. Article 150 1 - The Council of Opposition prepares its program which shall state its principal political, economic, social and measures taken or proposed in the various areas of its activity. 2 - Board members of the opposition are bound to the program of the Council of the Opposition. Article 151 The Council of Opposition begins his duties immediately after the inauguration. Article 152 Gives rise to the resignation of the Council of Opposition: a) the term of the legislature; b) the election of a new Chairman of the Opposition; c) the resignation of the Chairman of the Opposition; d) acceptance by the National Assembly of the resignation of the Chairman of the Opposition; e) the death or permanent incapacitation of the Chairman of the Opposition; f) the dissolution of parliament. Article 153 The President and the Trustees of the Opposition can only be arrested after the charge, when the offense is punishable by imprisonment and following suspension from duties of the National Assembly. 
Article 154 1 - The Courts are organs of state with powers to administer justice on behalf of the People. 2 - It is for the Supreme Court and other courts established by law to exercise judicial functions. 3 - In exercise of the judicial courts are independent and subject only to the law and are entitled to the assistance of other officials. Article 155 1 - The courts shall guarantee and ensure compliance with the Constitution, laws and other legislative provisions in force, protection of legitimate rights and interests of citizens and institutions and decide on the legality of administrative acts. 2 - The court decisions are binding for all citizens and other legal entities and shall prevail over those of other officials. Article 156 Courts are generally collegial and integrated by professional judges and referees popular, with the same rights and duties regarding the trial of the case. Article 157 All public and private entities have a duty to cooperate with the courts in carrying out its functions. Article 158 The process hearings are public except when the court itself does not understand, by reasoned order to defend the dignity of individuals or public morality or to ensure its effective operation. Article 159 1 - Apart from the Constitutional Court, the courts are structured in accordance with law, according to the following categories: a) Municipal Courts; b) Courts Provinces; c) the Supreme Court. 2 - Law itself provides for the organization and functioning of justice. 3 - Under the law can be created military tribunals, administrative, accounting, tax, maritime and arbitration courts. Article 160 Notwithstanding the preceding article, it is forbidden to create courts with exclusive jurisdiction for the prosecution of certain offenses. Article 161 In performing their duties, judges are independent and owe obedience only to the Law Article 162 Judges have security of tenure and can not be transferred, promoted, suspended, retired or dismissed under the law. Article 163 The judges are not responsible for the decisions they make in the exercise of their functions, except that the restrictions imposed by law. Article 164 1 - The presiding judge of the Supreme Court, the Vice-President of the Supreme Court and other judges of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court can only be arrested after being charged when the offense is punishable by imprisonment. 2 - The judges of the courts of first instance l. may not be arrested without charge, except in flagrante delicto for a felony punishable by imprisonment. Article 165 The judges can not perform any other public or private, except for teaching or scientific research. 
Article 166 1 - The Supreme Council of Judiciary is the senior management and discipline of the judiciary, responsible for in general: a) assess professional and take disciplinary action on judges; b) propose the appointment of judges of the Supreme Court under this Act; c) to order investigations, inspections and investigations into the legal services and propose the necessary measures for its improvement and efficiency; d) appoint, assign, transfer and promote judges, without prejudice to this Law 2 - The Supreme Council of the Judiciary is headed by the Chief Justice and comprises the following members: a) five jurists appointed by the President, with at least one magistrate; b) three lawyers appointed by the Senate; c) Ten judges elected from amongst the judges. 3 - The members of the Board members of the Judiciary shall enjoy the immunities granted to judges of the Supreme Court. Article 167 The inclusion of judges in the judiciary will be far under the conditions prescribed by law. 
Article 168 The Constitutional Court is responsible in general administer justice on matters of legal and constitutional nature, including: a) assess preventive unconstitutional pursuant to Article 154; b) assess the constitutionality of laws, decrees, international treaties ratified and any rules, in accordance with Article 155; c) monitor and assess the failure of the Constitutional Law for failure of the measures needed to make constitutional rules executable; d) assessing on appeal the constitutionality of all decisions of other courts that refuse to apply any rule on the ground of unconstitutionality; e) assessing on appeal the constitutionality of all decisions of other courts applying standard whose constitutionality has been raised during the process. Article 169 1 - The Constitutional Court is composed of seven judges, appointed from among lawyers and judges, as follows: a) three judges appointed by the President, including President of the tribunal; b) Three judges elected by the Senate; c) a judge elected by the Plenary of the Supreme Court. 2 - The Constitutional Court judges are appointed for a term of seven years non-renewable and enjoy the same guarantees of independence, tenure, impartiality and immunities of judges of other courts. 3 - Law itself establish additional rules on the powers, organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court. 
Article 170 1 - The Attorney General's Office is represented before the courts by the Public Prosecution Service, as established in its Statute. 2 - The Attorney General's responsibility to defend the democratic legality and, especially, represent the State to institute criminal proceedings and defend the interests which are determined by law. Article 171 1 - The Attorney General's Office is headed by Attorney General and comprises the Supreme Judicial Council of the Public Ministry, which is composed of members elected by National Assembly and members elected from amongst themselves by prosecutors, in terms defined by law. 2 - The Attorney General's Office has its own statute, enjoys autonomy under the law and is governed by the statute of judges and prosecutors. 3 - The organization, structure and functioning of the Attorney General's Office, as well as how to get into the Public Prosecution Service, consists of its own law. Article 172 The prosecutors are responsible under the law and hierarchically subordinate. Article 173 1 - The Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General, can only be arrested after being charged when the offense is punishable by imprisonment. 2 - The public prosecutors from courts of first instance and equivalent l. may not be arrested without charge, except in flagrante delicto for a felony punishable by imprisonment. Rule 174 The prosecutors can not be transferred, suspended, promoted, dismissed or otherwise changed position except in accordance with its statute. Article 175 It is incompatible to the Public Prosecution Service the exercise of public functions or private, other than teaching or scientific research, and also the union of its judiciary. 
Article 176 1 - The Ombudsman is an independent agency of the State, which concerns the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens ensuring by informal means, justice and legality in public administration. 2 - Citizens may submit complaints to the Ombudsman for Justice for actions or omissions of public authorities which enjoy no decision power, appealing to the relevant bodies the necessary recommendations to prevent and remedy injustices. 3 - The activity of the Ombudsman is independent of the administrative and judicial remedies provided for in the Constitution and laws. 4 - Other functions and status of the Ombudsman shall be established by law. Article 177 1 - The Purveyor of Justice is appointed by the National Assembly, by resolution of two thirds of the Members of functions and sworn before the President of the National Assembly. 2 - The Purveyor of Justice is appointed for a term of four years and may be reappointed to another term in the same period. Article 178 The bodies and officials of Government have a duty to cooperate with the Ombudsman in carrying out their mission. 
Article 179 The state organization at local, understands the existence of local population or public territory, municipalities and municipal communal, the Provincial Government and Provincial Senate. Article 180 1 - The local authorities are local authorities by public law which seek to pursue the interests of the population, and has the effect of elected representative bodies and freedom of the administration of their communities. 2 - Law itself specify the mode of formation, organization, powers, operation and regulatory power of public bodies. Article 181 1 - The Provincial Governments are local administrative units devolved from central government to ensure a local level to carry out the specific responsibilities of central, guiding the economic and social development and ensure the provision of community services in their geographic area. 2 - Law itself establish the type of local administrative bodies, organization, powers and functioning. Article 182 1 - The Provincial Governor is the representative of the government in their province, who have generally direct the governance of the province, ensuring the normal functioning of local administrative bodies, accounting for their activity before the Government and the President of the Republic. 2 - The Provincial Governor is appointed by the President after consultation with the National Senate. Article 183 1 - The Senate is an extension to the Provincial Local Government of the National Senate. 2 - The Senate is composed of Provincial Senators elected and appointed Senators. 3 - Two Senators elected by the Provincial Municipality. 4 - A senator is appointed by City Traditional Authority site. 5 - The Presidency of the Senate rests with the provincial Provincial Council of the Senate. 6 - The Provincial Council of the Senate is chaired by the Provincial Governor. 7 - It is composed of former Governors, or by King Soba in the region, the Provincial President of the Senate and ten citizens appointed by the Governor. 8 - The powers of the Senate and the Provincial Provincial Council of Senators are identical to the Senate and Senators of the National Council will scale Provincial. CHAPTER X 
Article 184 1 - The Defense and Homeland Security is the State body with authority to guarantee national independence, territorial integrity, liberty and security of the people against any aggression or external threat, within the established constitutional and international law, to defend the democratic and constitutional legality and guarantee internal security and the rights of citizens. 2 - The National Council for Defence and Security is responsible politically to the President of the Republic, and the Senate on the terms established by this Act Article 185 1 - The National Council for Defence and Security is chaired by the President and is composed of: a) Vice-President; b) Ordinary President of the Senate; c) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; d) Minister of Defense; e) Minister of Interior; f) Chief of General Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces; g) National Commander of Police; h) Director of the National Intelligence and Security. 2 - The President of the Republic may summon other entities, in virtue of their expertise to attend meetings of the National Council for Defence and Security. 3 - The Council of National Defense is the senior management and discipline of the Defence and Security, responsible for in general: a) assess professional and take disciplinary action on the courts of Defence and Security; b) propose the appointment of the control organs of Defence and Security under the Act; c) to order investigations, inspections and investigations to the organs of Defence and Security and propose the measures necessary for its organization, operation, efficiency, discipline and training and provided with adequate administrative powers attributed to it by law. 
Article 186 1 - The Angolan Armed Forces, under the supreme authority of their Commander in Chief, obey the competent organs of the State, in accordance with this Law and other common law, undertaking to the military defense of the nation. 2nd - The Angolan Armed Forces, as a state institution are permanent, regular and nonpartisan. 3 - The Angolan Armed Forces are composed exclusively by national citizens, the law establishing the general rules of organization and preparation. 4 - Law provides specific rules for the use of the Angolan Armed Forces if there is a state of siege and states of emergency. Article 187 1 - The defense of the motherland is the highest right and duty of every citizen and unwavering. 2 - Military service is compulsory. The law defines the forms of compliance. 3 - By virtue of military service citizens can not be prejudiced in his permanent employment or in other social benefits. 
Article 188 1 - Police under the authority of the National Council for Defence and Security has the responsibility of defending democratic legality and guarantee internal security and the rights of citizens. 2 - Measures of Police are required by law and should not be used beyond what is strictly necessary. 3 - The prevention of crimes, including crimes against state security, can only be made in compliance with the general rules on police and security and respect for rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens. 4 - The law establishing the system of police forces, and the organization of each one for the whole national territory. 
Article 189 1 - The National Information and Security under the authority of the President of the Republic, have the responsibility to ensure internal and external security, to prevent sabotage, terrorism, espionage and acts which, by their nature, may alter or destroy the rule of law constitutionally established independence and safeguarding the interests of the nation. 2 - The law lays down the rules of the National Intelligence and Security. 
Article 190 1 - The rules that contravene the Constitution or the principles mentioned therein are unconstitutional. 2 - It is for the Constitutional Court declared the unconstitutionality of the rules by action and omission. Article 191 1 - The President of the Republic and a fifth of the Members of the National Assembly may ask the Constitutional Court for a review of the constitutionality of any rule subject to promulgation, signature and ratification of the President, in particular of provisions of Law Decree-Law , decree or international treaty. 2 - There may be promulgated, signed or ratified diplomas whose review of the constitutionality has been applied to the Constitutional Court, however, this has been pronounced. 3 - Declared unconstitutional the rules mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the legislation should be vetoed by the President and returned to the body that has approved for that deletes the provision ruled unconstitutional. Article 192 1 - You can request the Constitutional Court considered the constitutionality of any rules, the President of the Republic, one fifth of the Members of the National Assembly in office, the Senate and the Attorney General's Office. 2 - The declaration of unconstitutionality of the standards referred to in the preceding paragraph shall apply from the entry into force of the rule declared unconstitutional and determines to reinstate rules that she may have revoked. 3 - Being unconstitutional infringement of the constitutional norm later, the declaration shall take effect only since the entry into force of the latter. 4 - They are the exception of cases prosecuted, unless otherwise decided by the Constitutional Court, where the rule respecting criminal or disciplinary offense against social content and is less favorable to the defendant. Article 193 1 - You can request the Constitutional Court for a declaration of unconstitutionality by the President, one fifth of the Members in office, the Senate and the Attorney General's Office. 2 - If the existence of unconstitutionality by the Constitutional Court so inform the legislative body responsible for suppression of the gap. Article 194 The Constitutional Court must rule within a maximum of forty-five days on the constitutionality of the rules which it considered was required. 
Article 195 1 - The National Assembly may review and approve the Constitution of the Republic of Angola by a decision approved by two thirds of the Deputies on active duty, after being approved by the Senate. 2 - The initiative to revise the Constitution it is for a minimum of ten Members, the President and the Senate. 3 - The Constitution may be revised at any time. 4 - The National Assembly determines the shape of the initiative for drafting the Constitution of the Republic of Angola. 5 - The President may not refuse the promulgation of the Constitutional Review and the Constitution of the Republic of Angola, approved under the terms defined in the first paragraph of this article. Article 196
The amendments and the adoption of the Constitution of Angola must respect the following: a) the independence, territorial integrity and national unity; b) the rights and freedoms and guarantees of citizens; c) the rule of law, multiparty democracy and universal suffrage; d) the secularity of the state and the principle of separation between State and Churches; e) the separation and interdependence of the organs of state and independence of the courts. Article 197 During the lifetime of a state of siege or state of emergency can not be made any amendment to the Constitution. 
Article 198 The symbols of the Republic of Angola are the Flag, Emblem and Anthem. Article 199 The National Flag has two colors arranged in horizontal bands. The top band is red-red and less black and represent: Red-red - blood shed by Angolans during colonial oppression, the struggle for national liberation and defense of pátria.Preta - The Continent Africano.No center figure a composition comprising a section of a toothed wheel, symbolizing the workers and industrial production, a machete, symbolizing the peasants, agricultural production and the armed struggle and a star, symbolizing international solidarity and progresso.A wheel bite, the machete and the star are yellow, representing the country's wealth. Article 200 The insignia of the Republic of Angola is formed by a section of a sprocket and a foliage of corn, coffee and cotton, representing respectively the workers and industrial production, farmers and production agrícola.Na base set, there is an open book symbol of education and culture and the rising sun, signifying the new country the center shall be a machete and a hoe symbolizing the start of work and struggle to figure armada.Ao top star, symbol of international solidarity and part progresso.Na bottom of the emblem shall be a gold band inscribed Republic of Angola. Article 201 0 National Anthem is "ANGOLA AVANTE"